At Atmosphere Academy, our Special Education Department provides a range of services to support students at both the middle and high school levels. Our programs are designed to foster academic growth, independence, and confidence by offering tiered support in an inclusive learning environment.
In both middle and high school, we focus on personalized instruction, small-group learning, and co-teaching models to ensure students receive the attention they need. In middle school, our 12:1:1 classes provide a structured, smaller setting for students who benefit from individualized support, while our Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classrooms allow special and general education teachers to work together, creating an inclusive learning experience. In High school, in additon to ICT services we offer Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS), which provide targeted, small-group instruction to help students succeed while staying in general education classes.
Beyond classroom instruction, we emphasize intervention programs that help students strengthen their academic skills and overcome challenges. Our English Language Learner (ELL) program provides additional support for students learning English, ensuring they can fully engage with their coursework while developing language proficiency.
By providing a combination of specialized instruction, collaborative teaching, and intervention programs, we create a supportive learning environment where every student can reach their full potential.

Atmosphere Academy is dedicated to serving all students who receive special education support services. We serve students through a variety of settings offered at our middle school Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) and a Self-Contained Setting (12:1:1). Each year, the Leadership Team evaluates the settings needed to serve the current student population best.
In addition, we leverage our relationship with the Committee on Special Education (CSE) to utilize related services provided through NYCDOE agencies to ensure students receive speech and language therapy, counseling, occupational therapy, and physical therapy.
Atmosphere’s RTI model creates a tiered system for scholars, where students are assessed, progress-monitored, and provided additional support based on their level of need. Below is a brief overview of each program Atmosphere provides in Middle School.
- Response to Intervention Program
- All students who receive the core curriculum are considered Tier I students. Students who do not respond to Tier II would be identified through a combination of classroom data and progress monitoring data. These students would then receive intervention plus core curriculum in Tier II. Students who do not respond to Tier II intervention would similarly be moved to Tier III, with the highest level of intervention. Students would be monitored on a 6 to 10-week cycle and reevaluated by a team of teachers and intervention specialists.
- Special Education Program
- Integrated Co-Teaching Services: Classrooms with Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) services include students with IEPs and without IEPs. At most, 12 (or 40%) of the students in the class can have IEPs. There are two teachers- a general education teacher and a special education teacher. The teachers work together to adapt materials and modify instruction to ensure the entire class can participate.
- Special Class Services: Special Class (SC) services are provided in a self-contained classroom. All the children in the class have IEPs with needs that cannot be met in a general education classroom. They are taught by special education teachers who provide specialized instruction.
- English Language Learner Program
- Student schedules are designed based on their language acquisition level. Students would receive push-in and pull-out services based on NYS requirements.
- Gifted & Talented Program
- Gifted and Talented scholars at Atmosphere are identified for our rigorous honors teams utilizing student performance data. Scholars in the Honors Teams at Atmosphere Academy receive differentiated content and coursework, preparing them for advanced high school coursework.
- In the middle school, scholars have advanced coursework through:
- Curriculum in Mathematics and English, which includes the next grade level standards, more challenging texts, and heightened performance tasks
- Advanced coursework in mathematics and science, where honors students have the opportunity to take the Algebra I Regents and Earth Science Regents courses in addition to their grade-level math and science courses.
*Upon enrollment, students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) will be placed in classes that match their program recommendations on a first come, first served basis according to availability in each class setting

The teacher is engaging a self-contained class in reading to enhance their fluency and comprehension skills.

eachers can hold one-on-one conferences with students who are struggling with reading fluency and comprehension.

In a 12:1:1 class, students engage with texts in various ways, including picture books, audio, and visualization.

Caption for Student Learning Images
Atmosphere Academy has been designed to support students with individualized needs since its conception, firmly reinforcing its founding values to prepare students for college, career, and life. As Atmosphere has evolved, each year, we have learned how to continue to adapt, innovate, and utilize resources to create the proper tiers of support for all learners. Students’ needs shift each year, which has become a key aspect of the flexible structure built. Leadership and instructors collaborate weekly to ensure student needs are met through the Student Learning Program’s three primary support services (Intervention Program, Special Education Program, and English Language Learner Program). Atmosphere differentiates instruction and academic opportunities through the rigorous courses offered to high school advanced trackers.
Atmosphere’s goal is to create an individualized education experience for all scholars to aid them in meeting their full potential as scholars. All students are monitored through Atmosphere’s nationally-normed Intervention Program. Students are initially assessed through an in-house progress monitoring program and supported through a multi-tiered system for academic and behavioral interventions. Students who need additional support through the Special Education Program are identified through this system, which ensures all referrals are data-driven after intensive intervention has taken place for a set period of time. Incoming students with Individualized Education Plans (IEP) have their needs met through Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) or Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT), which are all offered and provided at each grade level. Additionally, students receive counseling, speech and language therapy, and other related services through agencies provided by the partnership with NYCDOE. Scholars served through the special education program have seen successful results, with numerous scholars being declassified by the end of their third year at Atmosphere Academy.

Scholars are tiered within Atmosphere’s RTI model, where students are assessed, progress-monitored, and provided additional support based on their level of need. Below is a brief overview of each program Atmosphere provides in High School.
- Response to Intervention Program
- All students who receive the core curriculum are considered Tier I students. Students who do not respond to Tier II would be identified through a combination of classroom data and progress monitoring data. These students would then receive intervention plus core curriculum in Tier II. Students who do not respond to Tier II intervention would similarly be moved to Tier III, with the highest level of intervention. Students would be monitored on a 6-10-week cycle and reevaluated by a team of teachers and intervention specialists.
- Special Education Program
- SETSS: Each child will be educated in the same classroom as non-disabled peers. He or she will receive direct or indirect Special Education Teacher Support Services (SETSS) from a special education teacher.
- Integrated Co-Teaching Services: Classrooms with Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) services include students with IEPs and without IEPs. No more than 12 (or 40%) of the students in the class can have IEPs. There are two teachers- a general education teacher and a special education teacher. The teachers work together to adapt materials and modify instruction to ensure the entire class can participate.
- English Language Learner Program
- Student schedules are designed based on their language acquisition level. Based on NYS requirements, students receive a combination of push-in and pull-out services.
- Gifted & Talented Program
- Gifted and Talented scholars at Atmosphere are identified for our rigorous honors teams utilizing student performance data. Scholars in the Honors Teams at Atmosphere Academy receive differentiated content and coursework, preparing them for advanced high school coursework.
- In high school, advanced scholars have opportunities to take Early College courses, simultaneously earning high school and college credit.
- Advanced Placement courses are offered in English, mathematics, social studies, science, and world language. These courses allow scholars to obtain credit toward HS graduation and matriculate college credit.
- Early College courses allow juniors and seniors to take entry-level college classes in addition to their high school courses.
- Dual enrollment courses also allow scholars to obtain credit toward HS graduation and matriculate college credit in select courses associated with English, World Language, and Career.
*Upon enrollment, students with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) will be placed in classes that match their program recommendations on a first come first served basis according to availability in each class setting