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Join ATMOSPHERE in changing
the trajectory of scholars’ lives by
helping to send our young EXPLORERS around the world!

All proceeds will go to the Atmosphere Foundation.

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Atmosphere’s Founder & CEO, Colin Greene, has always said that his vision was to “bring the world to Atmosphere and Atmosphere to the world…” However, these were not just empty words; they were intentionally designed into a school program that has offered every scholar countless local trips each year with the opportunity to earn larger, global trips through hard work, good character, and academic achievement.

Atmosphere believes that by doing so, it will help inspire students to aspire to take their rightful place as leaders in their communities and beyond. By stepping out of the classroom and exploring the world around them, students are able to contextualize their learning and see the greater value in it as they get ready to embark on their journey through college, career, and life.

  • In middle school, this process culminates with trips to Florida, Costa Rica, and the Island School in the Bahamas. There, students study marine biology and engage in leadership development by taking on challenges that help them grow as a person and as a student of their environment.
  • In high school, this process culminates with trips to Spain, France, Italy, and Japan. There, students study culture, history, and career education. They visit historical sites, take cultural classes, explore careers through partnerships with local universities and businesses, as well as serve others through volunteer work.


For many scholars, Atmosphere Explorers trips are their first time on a plane, first time on a boat, or first time leaving the country or their neighborhood.

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