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High School


Atmosphere Academy’s mission is to ensure that students are prepared for academic, higher education, career, and personal opportunities. HS Assembly provides students with the opportunity to review significant topics that will influence metacognition and meaningful discussions.

HS Assembly has benefits such as: 

  • Building Community
  • Communicates Information
  • Develop Social Skills
  • Motivate Scholars
  • Opportunity to Step Out of Comfort Zone
  • Learn Outside of the Classroom
Middle School


Atmosphere Academy Advisory is set up by academic teams. Staying in the same team fosters social-emotional development together as a group, creating a stronger bond amongst the students. Advisory lessons focus on the adjustment to middle school and building strong bonds through positive relationships. As the students advance in grade levels, we revisit topics with age-appropriate references. 

Topics, such as bullying, are covered in-depth through discussions of real-life scenarios to prepare students to make the best in the moment decisions. New York City and State high school statistics are also reviewed to place the topic into the context of the city. These types of real-life conversations make students aware of the data impacting their peers and prepares them to address similar situations in their own lives.

Middle School

21st Century

Atmosphere Academy Advisory was created to support the development of skills needed to be successful now and into the future. Students learn and discuss topics around academic, higher education, career and personal opportunities. The 21st Century class will provide students with the learning, literacy and life skills to be successful in today’s modern world demands.

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