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Joseph Acevedo

Math Teacher

Joseph Acevedo is Atmosphere’s 7th Grade Math Teacher. Mr. Acevedo, known to his students as “Mr. Ace,” has been a middle school math teacher since his career started in 2006 when he graduated with honors from Manhattan College. In his first year, Mr. Ace taught 6th grade math. He developed a great relationship with his students, and they asked him to move up to 7th grade with them. In his 16 years as a teacher, he’s taught 6th grade math for 3 years, 7th grade math for 12 years, and technology for 1 year. Education is not only his profession, but his passion. So much so, that he created a YouTube Channel called The Math Review, focused on providing a great, common core standard aligned resource for other math teachers and students. His primary objective is to create students that learn to become independent thinkers so they are prepared for high school and beyond.

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